Holy Communion BCP


If you are intending to come to the services, please inform Pauline Ridgway that you will be attending. Due to the limit on numbers, we have to know how many are intending to come along to each service, it is a nuisance we know, but we must follow the guidance from the Government and The Church of England, […]

All Age Worship


If you are intending to come to the services, please inform Pauline Ridgway that you will be attending. Due to the limit on numbers, we have to know how many are intending to come along to each service, it is a nuisance we know, but we must follow the guidance from the Government and The Church of England, […]

Commemoration of the Faithful Departed – Invitation only


Due to Covid restrictions on numbers, this service may be attended only by invitation.  However if you would like a loved one to be remembered, please inform Margaret Cross on 07732 324 001 or by email margaretcross42@gmail.com