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Parish Magazine – January 2025
Legacy Giving – Making a Difference
Research shows that over half the UK population do not have a current Will.
Why is making a Will a good idea?
It will protect your family and ensure that your wishes are carried out.
What happens if you die without a valid Will?
In England the Courts will decide what happens to your possessions, not your family and friends. They follow strict rules that do not include unmarried partners or friends or Churches or Charities. So, to ensure that YOUR wishes are carried out, you need to make a Will. Failing to do so could add extra stress to grieving family and friends after you die.
Why is St Mary and All Saints Church concerned about this?
For nearly 500 years the Church of England has encouraged people to make Wills. The Book of Common Prayer includes a reminder to Christians to “settle their estates while they are
in good health”. Practically it is good to do, since it helps to avoid unhappiness and estrangement, which sadly happens in some families after someone has died.
But there is also a spiritual dimension.
Everything comes from you O Lord, and of your own have we given you. 1 Chronicles 29.14
The traditional offertory prayer is based around these words. They remind us that everything we have is on Loan from God. Many Christians try to live by this principle, and to follow St Paul’s
advice in the New Testament about regular proportionate giving (1 Corinthians 16. 1-4). But this
may be limited while we live, since most of our assets are tied up in our home.
So for many people a Will is a unique opportunity to make a significant and lasting gift
to the Church, which will help to secure its work and mission for future generations.
This is not a new concept as current generations benefit from the generosity of people in the past. These gifts are an expression of thanks to God for all his provision and blessings during their lives. A bequest can be transformational in helping a Parish in its mission and ministry.
We invite you to make or update your Will and to include in it a gift for St Mary and All
Saints Church, Great Budworth. We welcome all legacies, however large or small, and promise to use your gift to make a difference in our Parish. We have a large and historic building to maintain, which requires significant financial outlays, and are supporting a ministry to proclaim the Christian faith in a largely rural parish.
- This will be a practical way of saying thank you to God for all His blessings received and enjoyed in your life.
- It will help to secure the work of our Church for future generations.
- The Bible challenges us to be good stewards of all God has given us.
- We can often be more generous when we die and no longer have to make ends meet.
- All charitable gifts, including those to our Church, are exempt from inheritance tax.
At St Mary and All Saints Church we have a Giving Secretary, Caroline McGuigan – who
will be pleased to speak with you on any aspect of making a gift in your Will to this Church.
Please contact her on 01565 733285.